Aquaponics Digest - Mon 02/28/00

Message   1: Re: Fwd - system questions
             from "beacnhrt" 

Message   2: Re: Re: Lettuce, type??
             from Attie Esterhuysen 

Message   3: Re: tilapia in Canada
             from Joy Pye-MacSwain 

Message   4: Re: Fwd - system questions
             from Jim Sealy Jr 

Message   5: Re: Fwd - system questions
             from "Bennett" 

Message   6: Lettuce and trout
             from (LABERGE MARC)

Message   7: Re: Lettuce and trout
             from Marcy and Marc 

Message   8: Re: tilapia in Canada
             from Mike Price 

Message   9: Trout comments from previous posts, was Re: S & S System and
             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message  10: trout and lettuce
             from (LABERGE MARC)

Message  11: Re: trout and lettuce
             from Marcy and Marc 

Message  12: Re: Ceramic Coating "Insulation"
             from "Lloyd R. Prentice" 

Message  13: Re: Aquaponics Digest - Sun 02/27/00
             from DAVEINBHAM

Message  14: ...
             from Jon Lark 

Message  15: Re: tilapia in Canada
             from "Steve" 

Message  16: Fish Food
             from "Steve" 

Message  17: SORRY!!!
             from "Steve" 

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 1                                                           |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: Re: Fwd - system questions
From:    "beacnhrt" 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 01:02:32 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: S & S Aqua Farm 
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2000 7:28 PM
Subject: Fwd - system questions

> From: timjohanns
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2000 4:25 PM
> Subject: chat room

> I want
> to add a small hyper-insulated building for redworm, red-claw and
> snapping-turtle raising capabilities, in addition to the tilapia of
> Separate, but closely integrated systems designed to compliment one
> In a controlled atmosphere such as a basement here in Iowa, turtles
> (snappers) grow at an alarming rate with feed to wt. ratio's scarcely
> rivaled by those of the tilapia. They have a 99% viable hatch rate and can
> be sex controlled via close temperature regulation of the hatching media.
> ie.sand ) the market is strong and varies with the size of the finished
> product, 3 to 10 pounds. tanks can utilize bioponic technology to
> the water, giving another by-product to feed to your rabbits, etc. got any
> ideas related to the following?
> S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124
> Web page

Dear Tim,
   You may want to read the Growing EDGE article on the S&S system at . I believe Paula
also has some information available. Just ask her. She is very helpful.
   Now, I would like to ask you for some infoermation about the snapping
turtles. I know that the Maya Indians raised Snapping turtles in the
Yukatan, but, all I get from those who produce them for pets is that they
grow too slowly. I am in desperate need of all the information on this
subject that I can find. If you don't mind telling me, where did you get
your information? also, please elaborate on what you have already said.
Melvin Landers

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 2                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Re: Lettuce, type??
From:    Attie Esterhuysen 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 09:11:03 GMT

> I would not use any chloride compounds.  Rather use KOH to 
neutralize acid
> produced in the nitrification process.  We alternate KOH 
with Ca(OH)2 and
> our K levels average about 100 mg/L.  Jim R.

Dear Jim

I found this interesting site on the web,
Could you comment on this? Do you think it would be possible 
to remove NaCl from aquaculture water by making use of a 
plant like the yellow flag?

Kind regards


.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 3                                                           |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: Re: tilapia in Canada
From:    Joy Pye-MacSwain 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:47:17 -0400

Morning Mike.....

> Joy,
> Thanks for the reply, but where are you?
> Mike

Oops..... we are located about 30 km outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia in West Chezzetcook.


.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 4                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Fwd - system questions
From:    Jim Sealy Jr 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 07:02:56 -0600

I'd also be interested in more info on the feed conversion ratio you
mention.. Is this based on live weight or meat yield?

> > From: timjohanns

> > In a controlled atmosphere such as a basement here in Iowa, turtles
> > (snappers) grow at an alarming rate with feed to wt. ratio's scarcely
> > rivaled by those of the tilapia. 

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 5                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Fwd - system questions
From:    "Bennett" 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 08:29:55 -0500

Hello and welcome to the list timjohanns.
    Your post is very interesting.  Having an inquiring mind :-)
and the fact that my system is not yet set up, I'd like to ask
some questions.

>decorative rock around houses, flower beds, ect. I incorporated a radiant
>heat system that works via water that is pumped through hundreds of feet of
>plastic pipe beneath concrete staves from a silo I tore down. The cold

Is the concrete inside or outside a shelter?

>to add a small hyper-insulated building for redworm, red-claw and
>snapping-turtle raising capabilities, in addition to the tilapia of course.

Facinating.  I'd like to hear more about all three of these adventures.

>In a controlled atmosphere such as a basement here in Iowa, turtles
>(snappers) grow at an alarming rate with feed to wt. ratio's scarcely
>rivaled by those of the tilapia. They have a 99% viable hatch rate and can
>be sex controlled via close temperature regulation of the hatching media. (
>ie.sand ) the market is strong and varies with the size of the finished
>product, 3 to 10 pounds. tanks can utilize bioponic technology to biofilter

Even more facinating!  Several days ago I asked about raising turtles.
The one reply I read was that they grow too slowly.  How long does it
take for your turtles to reach 3 to 10 pounds?

>the water, giving another by-product to feed to your rabbits, etc. got any
Now I'm lost.  What's in the by-product of raising turtles
that can be fed to rabbits?

Tell us MORE!  It's wonderful.

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 6                                                           |
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Subject: Lettuce and trout
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 09:54:58 -0500

Hi Attie,
    I am using Lamotte water test kits. The individual tests may take a
little more time than other tests but the price was less. I test for
temperature, pH,TDS ( total dissolved solids ) , alkalinity, hardness, CO2,
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and of course O2.

At the moment I am just replacing water which has evaporated ( next to
null ). I am presently rethinking my system design and may have to purchase
a filter to control the total suspended solids, if so then I expect to have
to replace around 5-10% on backwash. I would like to keep this to a minimum,
it will depend on my filter.

Marc Laberge

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| Message 7                                                           |
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Subject: Re: Lettuce and trout
From:    Marcy and Marc 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 08:54:46 -0700

> Hi Attie,
>     I am using Lamotte water test kits. 


Could you give contact info por favor?


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| Message 8                                                           |
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Subject: Re: tilapia in Canada
From:    Mike Price 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 09:18:05 -0700


Well, I guess that's  a little bit out of the way, but I appreciate your reply.



Joy Pye-MacSwain wrote:

> Morning Mike.....
> > Joy,
> > Thanks for the reply, but where are you?
> > Mike
> Oops..... we are located about 30 km outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia in West Chezzetcook.
> Joy

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 9                                                           |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: Trout comments from previous posts, was Re: S & S System and
From:    S & S Aqua Farm 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 10:20:12 -0600

At 11:48 AM 02/27/2000 -0500, Marc wrote:
>Hi Paula,
>    I was wondering if your system would work with trout , if I  kept the
>total suspended solids under control by filters .

Since your planning a different grow bed system than we, I can't comment
about the solids removal effectiveness, although if the clay media works
similar to our gravel beds, I'd think it an unnecessary step. =20

As to suitability for trout, I'm posting some correspondence I found in the
files.  We have clients in Sweden (I've probably posted this before) who are
raising rainbow trout.  Their contact info is:

Stefan Goes 
Per-Erik Nygard
Villavagen 5
Harnosand       871 00=09
Sweden                  =09
Rainbow Fish Farm               =09

As for a sampling of what's been discussed here before, here's a "flash from
the past" on trout posts.  Hope this helps.   Paula

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:13:14 -0500
From: Jack Rowe 
Subject: Re: Trout

I haven't grown trout but know that they need very clean moving water at 68
F or below. Both of these requirements are due to high oxygen needs (so
could possibly have slightly warmer or dirtier water with intense
oxygenation, since DO drops as temp or organic content rises). Since they
are voracious (meat-eating) their food would be high-protein, so
over-feeding would need to be carefully avoided to maintain highest water


From: YankeePerm 
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 20:25:28 EST
Subject: Re:  Re: Trout

Brook trout require quite cool water and have the highest oxygen=
of trout, so far as I know.  Nonetheless, they are native in the USA at=
as far south as Georgia, and I've caught them there. =20

Rainbow trout are not as demanding, have gill rakers so that they can ingest
some algae as well as animal food, and generally make it in waters slightly
less ideal than a brook trout stream, though they live there well too. =20

Brown trout are, for a trout at least, fairly tolerant of warmer, less clear
water.  They are generally used in marginal conditions as they seem most
likely to make it. =20

I've no experience with the sorts of trout growing in the Rockies and I=
know much about lake trout.  If I recall correctly, Bill MacLarney covers=
requirements of commonly cultivated trout species in his Freshwater
Aquaculture book.

A list by topic of all Yankee Permaculture titles may be found at

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 08:19:43 -0600
From: Chuck Hicks 
Organization: MO Department of Agriculture
Subject: Re: Trout

S & S Aqua Farm wrote:
> Received this inquiry this morning from our friends in Romania.  This list
> has been very quite the last few days, but I think everyone is still=
> Thought I would use this opportunity to inquire if any list members are
> currently raising Trout in an aquaponics system and what experience they
> would be willing to share.  Would be interested in how they adapt to the
> system, what approximate water temperatures are maintained, type of feed,=
> Paula
> >                  Dear Paula,
> >
> >    What happened to the list? For three days i haven't received any
> >message! I found many interesting things from this list!
> >
> >                 Sorin
> S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124
> Web page,

The Freshwater Institute at Shepherdstown, West Virginia has a series of=20
publications about producing trout in recirculating systems.  They also=20
worked in coordination with a USDA laboratory in studing the use of=20
effluent and wastes from the system for producing different types of=20
useabel crops.  I am sure that they would provide you with copies of=20
their publications if requested.

Chuck Hicks

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 07:51:33 -0800
To: S & S Aqua Farm 
Subject: Re: Trout
References: <>

S & S Aqua Farm wrote:
> We appreciate the info that Jack and Dan furnished.  As with other=
> I'm sure it's possible to get a great deal of information also from the=
> mail groups and web links.  We don't have any immediate plans ourselves to
> switch from Tilapia to trout, but have had many inquiries as to trout's
> ability to produce well in an aquaponics system.  Most of these inquiries
> come from countries where tilapia fingerling supplies are not easily
> available and/or water temperature concerns (costs?) are raised.
> At 08:19 AM 1/13/98 -0600, Chuck Hicks wrote:
> >The Freshwater Institute at Shepherdstown, West Virginia has a series of
> >publications about producing trout in recirculating systems.  They also
> >worked in coordination with a USDA laboratory in studing the use of
> >effluent and wastes from the system for producing different types of
> >useabel crops.  I am sure that they would provide you with copies of
> >their publications if requested.
> >
> >Chuck Hicks
> To Marten Jenkins - is this Freshwater Institute where you're located?
> Could you share some of these results (summarized if necessary) with the
> Are these publications available to the public by mail or in a format that
> they could be accessed through a web site?
> Paula Speraneo
> S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124
> Web page


We would be happy to share the results of our research on salmonid=20
production in recycle systems and on plant-based effluent treatment=20
systems.  We are in the process of upgrading our website=20
(  Some of our researchn is summarized on our=20
web site.  We hope to have a list of our publications on our web site=20
within the next few months.  If people would like copies of our=20
publications, they can call me at (304) 876-3410 or send me an e-mail to=20
request information.

Marten Jenkins
The Freshwater Institute
PO Box 1746
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
ph (304) 876-3410
fax (304) 876-6339

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:40:52 -0700
From: "Marten R. Jenkins, Jr." 
Organization: The Freshwater Institute
Subject: Re: Rainbow Trout, was Re: Spanish on the list

> At 10:28 AM 10/12/98 -0500, Alejandro wrote:
> >       On other matters, I wonder if anyone on the list could help me.
I'm going
> over a budget for a rainbow trout proyect and, because of the price of=
> it doesn=B4t add up.  Acording to mexican goberment's National Institute=
> Fisheries, the price I've got is quite reasonable, so perhaps it's the
> percentage I'm planning to give the fish.   Any ideas?
> >
> Can you give us more detail - what percentage are you planning to feed?
> What recommendations are you basing this on?   What is your feed source=
> type?
> Maybe we can encourage some of our "trout raisers" to actually send a post
> to the group.
> Paula
> S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124
> Web page

You should assume a feed conversion ration of 1.5 to 1.  For additional=20
information on production budgets for rainbow trout see Skip Thompson's=20
web site. Skip is with NCSU extension service.

Marten Jenkins
The Freshwater Institute

From: "Charlie Shultz" 
Subject: RE: Trout Aquaponics?
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 06:57:15 PDT

Yesterday, Jewel wrote:
>Has anyone ever heard of doing aquaponics with native species, like >trout?

Hi Jewel,

the latest issue of "Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouses" describes an=20
aquaponic system (Australia) combining the culture of trout with wassabe=20
(spicey green sushi condiment).

Check it out.



Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 06:45:09 -0400
From: Adriana Gutierrez & Dennis LaGatta 
Subject: Re: I want to join your discussion group

Hi Jewel,
I went to a workshop in West Virginia where we set up a recirculating
system for trout for a votech school.  They already had a tilapia
set-up.  The reason people use tilapia is because they are much more
forgiving of poor water conditions, temperature, etc. The USDA in
Kearneysville did a lot of aquaponics research with trout effluent and
it worked just fine.  As to regs, call the State Dept of Wildlife or its


> Does anyone know if there are Tilapia regs in Colorado?
> Has anyone ever heard of doing aquaponics with native species, like trout?


Date:          Tue, 14 Sep 1999 8:23:04 + 5 EST
Subject:       Re: I want to join your discussion group

We didn't commit an entire system to aquaponics with our trout a few years
back, but we did get=20
fairly decent growth on lettuce in our trout system.  Sorry I can't help
more.  Water temperatures of=20
course limited our growth - tilapia seem to work best!


Date: 16 Jan 00 00:55:06 PST
From: Bill 
Subject: EC Trout

Marc Laberge wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone can tell me if an EC of 2000
( 1400ppm ) can affect the health of rainbow trout.

*During design and installation of 16-400 gal seawater tanks and homemade
refridge system in U of WA, i was tols theu were the first to offer a degree
in fish hatcheries.  I know they did trout too.  This was the late 70s.  by
NOW they should hacve a website, that MAY have this info.


Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 07:39:29 -0500
From: Adriana Gutierrez & Dennis LaGatta 
Subject: Re: Trout, Maron

> maybe trout is the answer. Does anybody have experience with
> farming Trout combined with lettuce or strawberries?=20

Welcome Attie,
The United States Dept of Agriculture Agricultural Research Station in
Kearneysville West Virginia has done aquaponic research using trout
effluent.  They grew both strawberries and lettuce.  It was not a
recirculating system.  They trucked trout effluent to the facility and
used it in nutrient film troughs and vertical growing systems.  The
purpose of their research was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
plants to remove excess nutrients from the trout effluent. =20

Adriana Gutierrez
Sarasota, FL

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 10                                                          |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: trout and lettuce
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 12:38:03 -0500

Paula...I am ....wordless...not too many people would do what you have done
for me... you are truly a special person, THANK YOU.
I think there is something about aquaponers... the people on this list just
keep amazing me.

Marc & Marcy , sorry but I don't understand your question...I'll gladly do a
favor...if you want my contact it was Bob at  Fish Farm Supply in Ontario at
519 669 1096...incredible service.

Marc Laberge
Mont Tremblant
Quebec, Canada

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 11                                                          |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: Re: trout and lettuce
From:    Marcy and Marc 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:11:30 -0700

> Marc & Marcy , sorry but I don't understand your question...I'll gladly do a
> favor...if you want my contact it was Bob at  Fish Farm Supply in Ontario at
> 519 669 1096...incredible service.
You done good Marc. Thanks!

Marc (seems a bit redundant, eh?)

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 12                                                          |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: Re: Ceramic Coating "Insulation"
From:    "Lloyd R. Prentice" 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 20:35:49 -0500

Hi Barry,

Barry Thomas wrote:

> > What caught my interest was the claim by several
> > thermal insulating paint/coatings mfrs that a 15 mm
> > coating of their product was equivalent
> I had assumed that "mil" was referring to the small bits of an inch (or
> is it feet, yards, fathoms?) that the poor souls still struggling with
> imperial measurements use - 15mm seems quite a thick layer of paint?

Excuse my type. It should have been 15 mil; e.g. 15/1000 of an inch.

Best wishes,


Prentice Associates Incorporated

Creativity, technical excellence and professionalism in print, web and
software communications for the health care and high-tech industries.

See us at:

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 13                                                          |
'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'
Subject: Re: Aquaponics Digest - Sun 02/27/00
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 20:57:58 EST

In a message dated 02/28/2000 12:04:52 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< I did a web scan a few months ago and found a number of companies 
promoting this
 concept; plus a few clues re: underlying technology/research. I don't have 
 at the moment to dig out the note and links I posted to the ferro list, but 
 later tonight or tomorrow.
 Best wishes,
 Lloyd R. Prentice
Who or what is the "ferro" list ?

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| Message 14                                                          |
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Subject: ...
From:    Jon Lark 
Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 13:17:36 +1030


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| Message 15                                                          |
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Subject: Re: tilapia in Canada
From:    "Steve" 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:31:11 -0600


I was wondering how El Paso and Nova Scotia were going to meet?????   :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Price" 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: tilapia in Canada

> Joy,
> Well, I guess that's  a little bit out of the way, but I appreciate your
> Thanks,
> Mike
> Joy Pye-MacSwain wrote:
> > Morning Mike.....
> >
> > > Joy,
> > > Thanks for the reply, but where are you?
> > > Mike
> >
> > Oops..... we are located about 30 km outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia in
West Chezzetcook.
> >
> > Joy

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.
| Message 16                                                          |
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Subject: Fish Food
From:    "Steve" 
Date:    Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:43:04 -0600

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
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Hi All,

I find myself in a predicament. I ordered some fish food from one of our =
fellow list members over 2 weeks ago and it hasn't arrived. I have sent =
emails, but they have gone unanswered. I didn't order from my usual =
source ($27/50# remember the story.) because I felt the food =
was coming. It will take almost 3 weeks to get food if I order from my =
local feed store. I'm starting to run low and getting concerned.

I need "baby" food and fingerling food. Just 2 or 3 bags until I can =
remedy this situation. Anyone out there can help??...

Marc, are you out there?? Help??

I have to go out of town tomorrow so I will be away from the computer =
for a couple of days. So, I apologize in advance for any delay in my =


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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi All,
I find myself in a predicament. I = ordered some fish=20 food from one of our fellow list members over 2 weeks ago and it hasn't = arrived.=20 I have sent emails, but they have gone unanswered. I didn't order from = my usual=20 source ($27/50# remember the story.) because I felt the food = was=20 coming. It will take almost 3 weeks to get food if I order from my local = feed=20 store. I'm starting to run low and getting concerned.
I need "baby" food and fingerling food. = Just 2 or 3=20 bags until I can remedy this situation. Anyone out there can=20 help??...
Marc, are you out there?? = Help??
I have to go out of town tomorrow so I = will be away=20 from the computer for a couple of days. So, I apologize in advance for = any delay=20 in my response.
------=_NextPart_000_0034_01BF8245.8E807200-- .------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------. | Message 17 | '------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------' Subject: SORRY!!! From: "Steve" Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:44:36 -0600 I sent that message HTML by mistake. SO SORRY!!! Steve
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