Aquaponics Digest - Fri 04/16/99

Message   1: Ratios, was Re: Start up

             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message   2: Nutrient:Plant ratios

             from Adriana Gutierrez & Dennis LaGatta

Message   3: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

             from KLOTTTRUE

Message   4: Roof top gardens

             from "Dale Robinson" 

Message   5: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

             from Craig & Robin Prince 

Message   6: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

             from KLOTTTRUE

Message   7: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

             from KLOTTTRUE

Message   8: Re: Aquaponics Information

             from KLOTTTRUE

Message   9: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

             from Craig & Robin Prince 

Message  10: Re: Help! Help! Help! Rookies going down!!!

             from KLOTTTRUE

Message  11: Re: Start up

             from Craig & Robin Prince 

Message  12: Re: Aquaponics Information

             from MajorDad38

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| Message 1                                                           |

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Subject: Ratios, was Re: Start up

From:    S & S Aqua Farm 

Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:24:23 -0500

I wrote in response to Craig:

>Craig - We recommend stocking the system at a maximum of 1/2 to 3/4# (at

>grow-out/harvest) of fish per gallon of water.  Of course your start-up

>ratio would be lower, but then your plant growth will be light to start as



>We use pea gravel (common creek/river gravel here in the Ozarks) for our

>grow media, and use a ratio of 2 cu. ft. of grow space for each cu. ft. of

>water.  We prefer gravel for its ability to house the beneficial bacteria,

>without which the system cannot function.

at 11:28 PM 4/13/99 -0500, Jim wrote:

>Hi Paula,

>I'm working from "Can 'til can't" right now with planting and all, so am

>just hit and miss now on posts, but I have a question I feel needs an

>answer for the sake of newcomers, and it never has been brought up while

>I was listening.

>When you say 2 cu.ft. of grow space for each cu. ft. of water, do you

>mean 2 square feet of surface area or 2 cubic feet of grow media? This

>description leaves a lot of room for interpretation (bad guesses;).

>Converting to gallons, I've yet to figure out how to fill 15 gallons of

>gravel bed with 7.5 gallons of water.


>PS: I know an answer to this, or at least one that my fish and plants

>don't mind, but would like to hear what ratios/methods others are using.

Adriana posted:


>When I was assessing my alternatives for a system I converted Paula's

>ratios to square feet of planting area:gallons of fish water under the

>assumption that the depth of the beds is related more to the nature of

>the system.  Therefore the same size fish tank can provide the nutrient

>needs of the same square footage of 1 foot deep gravel beds in a flood

>and drain system or 3 inch deep perlite drip beds.



I apologize for misunderstandings my statement may have caused.  I should

have said one cubic foot of water to two cubic feet of grow bed media - in

our case gravel.  If your grow beds were only 3" deep, as Adriana mentions

above, the square footage of grow space should increase 4 times.

We've settled on this ratio based on both growth results in the plant beds

and water quality.  And Jim, if your gravel beds are filled to "capacity"

with 1/8" to 1/4" gravel, only the amount of water that can temporarily fill

in the air space would be required to "fill" the gravel bed.  

Hope this more clear.


S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

Web page

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| Message 2                                                           |

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Subject: Nutrient:Plant ratios

From:    Adriana Gutierrez & Dennis LaGatta 

Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:41:34 -0400

> I apologize for misunderstandings my statement may have caused.  I should

> have said one cubic foot of water to two cubic feet of grow bed media - in

> our case gravel.  If your grow beds were only 3" deep, as Adriana mentions

> above, the square footage of grow space should increase 4 times.


  Don't you think the ratios depend on the type of plants being grown? 

Let's assume we're planting either basil or lettuce in both systems. 

These plants can be densely seeded in a 3" deep bed but will also do

well in your 12" deep gravel beds.  Wouldn't both systems require the

same amount of nutrient to supply the needs of 1 square foot of plants

regardless of depth of beds?  Only if you have plants that REQUIRE a

larger area for extensive root structures (like tomatoes) would you

increase the square footage in the ratios.  In this case your planting

density would decrease in a shallow system to accomodate the needs of

the plants.


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| Message 3                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios


Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 17:23:10 EDT

In a message dated 4/16/99 2:41:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<<  Don't you think the ratios depend on the type of plants being grown? 

 Let's assume we're planting either basil or lettuce in both systems >>

Hello people,what type of Basil do you recommend? Ken

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| Message 4                                                           |

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Subject: Roof top gardens

From:    "Dale Robinson" 

Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 20:00:23 -0500

Does anybody have any pictures of roof top gardens?

Bryn Writes,

>I work for Horticulture Magazine

>in Boston & want to put together a short piece. What I really want is

>a stellar photograph of a flourishing roof garden & a few tips for

>home gardeners. Got any dirt on that?




Here's a chance get a few more people interested in hydroponics/aquaculture.

Unless of course no one is doing any hydroponics on roof tops.

Best regards

Dale Robinson

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| Message 5                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

From:    Craig & Robin Prince 

Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 18:24:42 -0700

Hello Ken

If my understanding is correct the ratio and depth of the growing beds are


to allow the bacteria to do there work more efficiently.  More surface

area.  This

seems to be the most important part of the system ( the bacteria ).

Help me out here - I'm just a rookie getting started.



> In a message dated 4/16/99 2:41:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> writes:


> <<  Don't you think the ratios depend on the type of plants being grown?

>  Let's assume we're planting either basil or lettuce in both systems >>

> Hello people,what type of Basil do you recommend? Ken

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| Message 6                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios


Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 21:58:53 EDT

In a message dated 4/16/99 9:25:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Hello Ken

 If my understanding is correct the ratio and depth of the growing beds are


 to allow the bacteria to do there work more efficiently.  More surface

 area.  This

 seems to be the most important part of the system ( the bacteria ).

 Help me out here - I'm just a rookie getting started.


 Craig >>

Hi Craig,First off,I need to tell you that that was Adriana who was talking 

about Ratios,also I'm a rookie,but I will share what I have learned so far,I 

would not say that the bacteria is the most important part of the system,but 

is equal partners,with the other parts,the fish and the plants,neither can do 

with out the other,the key is to treat the bacteria with respect,don't 

introduce anything into the system that would 

harm(Pesticides,Anti-Biotics,raw manure,Chlorine) them,they need 

warmth,moisture,and darkness to multiply and do their job,I'm using the 

system design of S&S Aquafarm,they have been doing this for quite some time 

now,they suggest a ratio of 2 cubic feet of media per cubic foot of water,in 

a drain and fill type of system,I'm sorry but I don't feel like I can 

elaborate on the design or construction of their system,because this is part 

of the way they make their living,you might want to consider buying their 

package,it is well designed down to the smallest detail,offers many 

references and sources,and troubleshooting guides,it is well worth the 

money,which would be recovered very quickly,by not having to go through the 

trial and error stages,that they and many others,including myself have gone 

thru.I wish I could help more,but I'm sure more people will see your 

posting,and help you further,their a great bunch. Good to have you 

aboard,have a great day! Ken

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| Message 7                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios


Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:01:09 EDT

In a message dated 4/16/99 9:25:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Hello Ken

 If my understanding is correct the ratio and depth of the growing beds are


 to allow the bacteria to do there work more efficiently.  More surface

 area.  This

 seems to be the most important part of the system ( the bacteria ).

 Help me out here - I'm just a rookie getting started.


 Craig >>

I'm sorry,I didn't answer your question.Yes your understanding is correct.Ken

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| Message 8                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Aquaponics Information


Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:23:01 EDT

In a message dated 4/15/99 2:52:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


 I've added some new links to my site.  Now you may never want go anywhere

 else for information on hydroponics, gardening, aquaculture or vermiculture.

 All you need to know accessed from one cite.

 Best regards

 Dale Robinson

   Links page

   Growing beds page

   Links page

 > Hi,



Hi Dale,I tried even with the correct spelling,but I still could not get into 

your web sites. Ken

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| Message 9                                                           |

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Subject: Re: Nutrient:Plant ratios

From:    Craig & Robin Prince 

Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 19:34:45 -0700

Hello Ken

The S&S packet is very informative and wel worth the money- your right.

Thanks for the reminder about the balance of the system.


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| Message 10                                                          |

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Subject: Re: Help! Help! Help! Rookies going down!!!


Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:49:53 EDT

In a message dated 4/14/99 10:38:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<<  I agree with Ron that it sounds like Ich. Having recently lost several 


 pounds of tilapia to this parasite, here's my advice:


Hello Gordon and Ron,I took your advice and I'm doing the things you 

recommended,Lost one fish,but the others are doing much better so far,they 

also had Fin and tail rot,I put them in a seperate tank,added 

salt,anti-biotics,water temp 85%,fingrs crossed. Thank you very much,Ken P.S. 

In case anyone else is watching,this is a private Thank You.

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| Message 11                                                          |

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Subject: Re: Start up

From:    Craig & Robin Prince 

Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 1999 19:54:42 -0700

Hello Adriana,

I sorry, I didn't go back far enought to see where your posting was about


beds.  How is your system working with 3" depth.  Is your root system

slowing down the

flow in the beds.  Thanks for all your input.

Craig Prince

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| Message 12                                                          |

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Subject: Re: Aquaponics Information

From:    MajorDad38

Date:    Sat, 17 Apr 1999 00:22:57 EDT

In a message dated 4/16/99 9:26:20 PM Central Daylight Time, 


<< Hi Dale, I tried even with the correct spelling, but I still could not get 


 your web sites. Ken >>

Ken, I just tried the links address and it came up no problem.  The old 

address also works:

Dick Bristol

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

Web page

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