Aquaponics Digest - Fri 11/12/99

Message   1: Water and Fire

             from Bill 

Message   2: Re: Unusual colored salad ingredients

             from Adriana Gutierrez & Dennis LaGatta

Message   3: Re: Aquaponics again! (mostly)

             from "Wendy Nagurny" 

Message   4: Re: Co-op seed order

             from "TGTX" 

Message   5: Test for Gordon - please delete

             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message   6: Re: unsubscribe

             from Rick_Stein-RP5525 

Message   7: Re: heating revisted

             from Ronald Polka 

Message   8: Welcome message and list etiquette

             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message   9: RE: Unusual colored salad ingredients

             from "Ronald W. Brooks" 

Message  10: Test for Gordon - please delete

             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message  11: Test for Gordon - please delete

             from S & S Aqua Farm 

Message  12: Re: Unusual colored salad ingredients

             from MUDDTOO

Message  13: Re: Water and Fire

             from "Barry Thomas" 

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| Message 1                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Water and Fire

From:    Bill 

Date:    11 Nov 99 22:57:49 PST

> sensible heat,

for a total of about 125 Btu. To store the same amount of heat one needs

approximately 4 lbs of water or 20 lbs of rock.In addition to the

potential corrosion, toxicity problems, and long term performance one

must consider the cost benfit ratio.

>Wow!! Thanks again Ron for another great post!

>This seemed

to offer a nice KISSy way for anyone who uses containers of fresh water

as passive heat sinks/stores to increase their storage capacity. That's

all I meant to say really and to ask whether anyone had tried it or had

thoughts/info. I tried to address John's interesting NaCl idea in the

same post - bad plan.

I LOVE THESE!!!  I really really do!

But it pays to start with the basics.  And plain water , esp in 'pond' /

'tank' form can have a dual use.  Aquaponics or earthquake/disaster use.

But the ideas MAY have use for an apt dweller who needs max heat collecti=

on. =

Still, I would GENerally advise him, he too may encounter a water system =


out of order & be glad for the 5 gal he happened to have one day/night, w=


others did not. Versatility is great, just like getting free fertilizer f=


your 'tomatoes.'


One:  Learn Acetylene.  It's simple, but bad.  NEVER NEVER NEVER have the=


on it's side when you use it. wHEN YOU use IT!!! sTORAGE, ok. It may self=

explode. It is stabilized w/ acetone... That goes first WHEN YOU USE IT O=


IT'S SIDE, then the acetylene becomes unstable.

Two: Make the thing (gun) small.  You can build up later.  I have no

instructions. I've seen pix.  Seem about 3" dia & 18" long.  Reduce both.=


2" dia and 6" long.  Wear gogles. Fire from a distance. Assume they will

eventually fatigue and blow up.  They use a spark plug to set them off.  =


is used. (See 'potato gun', illegal a lot of places now.) I think Shedule=


PVC was used, but may have been iron.  The smoke had some visual impact t=

oo. =

But lack of fire, like the air compressor types (more expensive) are safe=



After they fire once, they use natural air flow (in the old basic kind,) =


replenish the oxygen needed.  They won't refire for a few seconds at leas=

t. =

Generally 1/2 minute or so.  The acetylene is slooooowly bled into the gu=

n at

the end which is capped, semi-near the spark plug.  You are responsible i=

n a

way if someone uses it & gets maimed or killed.  You make sure they aren'=


dumb or bad listeners or hurried up folks.

Can you figure out the spark plug ignition?  Need assist?

> > Acetylene 'guns' also work.  Acetylene has a VERY wide 'fuel-to'air'

> > ratio, at which it will explode.  Be careful making yours.

> >

> > I would like to help the bird preying situation on the farm. > Peace,=


>Mike (Jamaica)

GASOLINE explodes between about 12:1 & 19:1.  This is narrow to acetylene=

which likes between 5% and 95% about. Or about 1:1 or 20:1.


if your bird population stays around for a while, i wouldn't count on the=


guns giving much relief.

sometimes recordings of "distress calls" help.  sometimes not.

talk w/your local birdwatcher professional & see if there is some behavio=


you can interfere with that will prevent depredation.  for example, long =


of 1 gal plastic containers floated in a pond will discourage some specie=


from landing.

He's right.  Over time, they get used to it.  Studies show animals adjust=


noises, if they can control it, or know when it's coming.  The trick is

irregularity.  Just as someone grabbing you from behind.

Alter tactics to be successful.  A guy on a bike or moped is worth the do=

ugh. =

The gun can be loaded with a beer can.  This was done for cheap skeet

shooters. They also used a catapult using slingshot rubber (good 25-35 lb=

ones) to launch a beer can. (Empties, naturally!!! Gee whiz, man!!!)

What kind of bird, & crops... fruit? seed?  :>)


I've changed to Digest format, so if you want me earlier, use direct emai=


Peace, not pieces.....*!+^


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm=

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| Message 2                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Re: Unusual colored salad ingredients

From:    Adriana Gutierrez & Dennis LaGatta 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 02:53:08 -0500

Thanks Joel,

A gallon per plant per day??? Wow!  What variety of yellow pears do you

rcommend?  Could I get you to send me a sucker?  How is the shelf life?


>  A big seller with your lettuce crop may be yellow pear tomatoes.  These are

> sweet tasting, thin skinned, bright yellow cherry sized tomatoes that at

> times look more like a bowling pin then a pear.  They are heavy producers,

> about a gallon per plant per day,  that need a lot of trellis type support.

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.

| Message 3                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Re: Aquaponics again! (mostly)

From:    "Wendy Nagurny" 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 05:07:03 -0500

Have you thought of getting a few of the water spaniels and just letting

them chase birds to their hearts content?


>I would like to help the bird preying situation on the farm. Do you have

>any diagrams of how I could make one of these things? I have seen them

>overseas operate on LPG, but never on Acetylene. At presemt we use a

>method of weaving string over the ponds but this cn be costly for labour

>etc. If we can put this in place this would save us a lot of dosh.


>Ideas, sites or any info is welcome...


>Peace, Mike (Jamaica)


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| Message 4                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Re: Co-op seed order

From:    "TGTX" 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 07:02:11 -0600


> Adriana, I might consider it in a few months.  Right now I am moving.

> Keep me in mind, tho.

> Have not tried Revolution yet, but I am aware of it.  If you say it is


> that's good enough for me.


> Ted


Correction.  I found out I already have the seed, but forgot about it.

I have tried many, many varieties of the reds, that I have lost count.


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| Message 5                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Test for Gordon - please delete

From:    S & S Aqua Farm 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 10:16:01 -0600

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

Web page

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| Message 6                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Re: unsubscribe

From:    Rick_Stein-RP5525 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 09:48:07 -0700 (MST)



                                Rick Stein 

                        Senior Computer Systems Engineer

Voice   (480)413-4733                                      ON Semiconductor

FAX     (480)413-4193              As I said, I was reading about heat transfer/capacity last night and

>came across a table of materials which listed brine (25% wt. - didn't

>say what kind) as having a specific heat capacity of 3.4. I understood

>this to mean that given two identical tanks, one filled with brine and

>one with water, you could transfer 3.4 times the amount of heat to/from

>the brine than the water for the same change in temperature. 


> it seems that the reference I was using (old physics book)

>can't have been talking about a sodium chloride brine anyway and that

>adding NaCl  to heat sink water is only likely to be worthwhile if

>you're _really_ pushed for space?


>Any idea what kind of brine the ref may have meant? SHC seems very high

>in comparison to the ones you give.


>What is the best heat storage media then (that doesn require a team of

>tech's and a national evacuation plan) - plain water?



        May I suggest that you check your source again. A probable explanation to

the statement that the specific heat Cp of brine being 3.4 is the units for

Cp. One of the conversions for specific heat is


1 Btu/lb deg F = 4.187 Kj/Kg deg K


This would give you a specific heat of 3.4 kj/Kg deg K if the specific heat

of the brine is 0.81 Btu/lb deg F at the listed percent concentration. If

your source is in metric units this could be the explanation. The only

materials/compounds/elements that I have seen listed with a specific heat

higher than water are 

ammonia Cp = 1.099 Btu/lb deg F

helium Cp = 1.241 Btu/lb deg F

hydrogen Cp = 3.40 Btu/lb deg F

and of course these cannot be considered.

I believe that the most effective heat storage medium is the one that is

commonly used, water. It is cheap, safe, and thermally efficient. The next

best thing is the structural storage medium of rock or masonry because of

its dual function and excellant heat distribution via gentle radiant

heating of the surroundings. 

Ron Polka

Southwest Technology Development Institute

New Mexico State University

Box 30001, Dept 3SOL

Las Cruces, NM  88003

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| Message 8                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Welcome message and list etiquette

From:    S & S Aqua Farm 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 10:59:27 -0600

I've just discovered (thanks to Gordon's mail problems) that our welcome

message has gone missing - lost in cyber-never-never-land.  I've contacted

the ISP to have them search, but wanted to post this to the group for those

new members who should have received it but did not.  The rest of you can

ignore me.  Have a great week-end.



Welcome to the aquaponics mail group.  PLEASE SAVE this message for future

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This group, provided by S&S Aqua Farm, will cover any and all aspects of

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Tom and I agreed to sponsor this list because we believe there's a great

deal of benefit in being able to freely exchange information with others of

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agriculture, ag technology, plant and aquatic species, etc.

Although the emphasis is on aquaponics, you don't need to have a system yet

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Whatever your abilities or reasons for being drawn to this list, you are

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Again - welcome to all!!!

Tom and Paula Speraneo

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

Web page

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| Message 9                                                           |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: RE: Unusual colored salad ingredients

From:    "Ronald W. Brooks" 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 14:03:43 -0500


Can you tell us the variety name and source of these tomato's



The One Who Walks Two Paths

ICQ 44271371

-> -----Original Message-----

-> From: aquaponics

-> [mailto:aquaponics]On Behalf Of MUDDTOO

-> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 10:56 PM

-> To:

-> Subject: Re: Unusual colored salad ingredients




->  A big seller with your lettuce crop may be yellow pear

-> tomatoes.  These are

-> sweet tasting, thin skinned, bright yellow cherry sized tomatoes that at

-> times look more like a bowling pin then a pear.  They are heavy

-> producers,

-> about a gallon per plant per day,

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.

| Message 10                                                          |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Test for Gordon - please delete

From:    S & S Aqua Farm 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 14:04:20 -0600

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

Web page

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| Message 11                                                          |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Test for Gordon - please delete

From:    S & S Aqua Farm 

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 14:04:36 -0600

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124

Web page

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| Message 12                                                          |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Re: Unusual colored salad ingredients

From:    MUDDTOO

Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 20:04:30 EST

In a message dated 11/12/99 11:21:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Can you tell us the variety name and source of these tomato's

Hello Ron,

I can't tell you much, I bought the last batch at Walmart or Eagle Hardware 

in the six pack.  I've grown others from seed bought from the Park Seed Co 

out of Greenwood South Carolina, USA.  They are called Yellow Pear Tomato, 

number 5385-9.  There phone number is 1-800-845-3369.

Good luck   joel

.------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------.

| Message 13                                                          |

'------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------'

Subject: Re: Water and Fire

From:    "Barry Thomas" 

Date:    Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:24:38 -0000

> One:  Learn Acetylene.  It's simple, but bad.

> He's right.  Over time, they get used to it.  Studies show animals

adjust to

> noises, if they can control it, or know when it's coming.  The trick


> irregularity.  Just as someone grabbing you from behind.

Could you not replace the acetylene tank, regulator etc with a small

electrolysis unit? Just feed the gases straight into the gun.

Possible advantages:

Low install and running costs. Don't have to mess with acetylene. Only a

few cc's of gas stored at a time. Gas generation easily adjusted by

varying current. Eco friendly - only output is water and bang.

The spark plugs used in 4 stroke model engines are tiny and so easier to

drill and tap holes for. Or ground the gun and run the electrode (bit of

wire) down the centre of the tube so that you can spark against the

closed end (or part way up against the tube if that works better).Solar

power should work ok and could give some variation in firing frequency -

stops automatically at night too. Could use simple RC network and

comparator for timer - add noise to comparator input to increase


Just a few quick thoughts - hope they're helpful.


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