Aquaponics Digest - Sun 05/20/01

Message   1: Re: A cheap greenhouse design-aquaponic orchids
             from Peggy & Emmett 

Message   2: Re: Fwd. Floating bed query
             from Jim Joyner 

Message   3: Re: A cheap greenhouse design-aquaponic orchids
             from fishmanbruce 'at' (Bruce Schreiber)

Message   4: Re: Fwd. Floating bed query
             from fishmanbruce 'at' (Bruce Schreiber)

Message   5: Marketing Tips
.Random Thoughts
             from "TGTX" 

Message   6: Marketing Tips?
             from cmccarth 'at'

Message   7: Re: Tilapia growth
             from "STEVE SPRING" 

Message   8: Re: Marketing Tips
.Random Thoughts
             from marc 'at'

Message   9: Re: Tilapia growth
             from marc 'at'

| Message 1  

Subject: Re: A cheap greenhouse design-aquaponic orchids
From:    Peggy & Emmett 
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 09:14:47 -0400

At 11:16 PM 5/17/2001 +0200, Meir Leshem wrote:
>Can any one comment on aquaponic orchids combined with tropical fish

So far, the only plants I've killed in my aquaponic beds are orchids.  I've
tried dendrobiums, oncidiums, and vanilla.  Since these plants grow in
trees so I suspect the system is just too wet.   

| Message 2  

Subject: Re: Fwd. Floating bed query
From:    Jim Joyner 
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 08:53:28 -0500

Can anyone tell me what floating beds are or provide a link to some 
information on them?



>Water will move from the larger pond into my LECA filled growing trays and
>head downhill and around the perimeter of the greenhouse, ending up in a
>collection tub. A few times a day the drainage water will be pumped back
>into the Large pond to be used again.
>We have had excellent results with Cherry tomatoes in soil, in the past.
>Our greenhouse is heated (60 deg.) in the winter.
>If I remember correctly, strawberries and lettuce like floating beds.

| Message 3  

Subject: Re: A cheap greenhouse design-aquaponic orchids
From:    fishmanbruce 'at' (Bruce Schreiber)
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 10:19:13 -0500 (CDT)

Most Epiphytic (tree Orchids) need to be grown above or potted on top of
the gravel S-S type of Aquaponic grow beds because they need a good
oxygen exchange so they are just sprayed a few times a week but remember
that they absorb water from from the air with aerial roots so just hang
them any place that they will get light depending on the type of Orichid
it might need bright or low light.Cattleyas for instance need bright
direct sunlight
  But the terrestrial species (in ground)types should do all right again
depending on the light Ginger for instance needs shaded light 
   As for the Tropical fish What would you like to know. Pick any of the
1000s of varieties that need your local water type (Hard or Soft)
Discus (from the Amazon drainage )need soft water to breed well  so they
are a pain to raise in hard water you must keep softening it which is
why I don't raise them .But they easily sell for $20 to $30 each at the
silver dollar size at our auctions and they get as big as your hand
While the inverse is true of African Cichlids or Rainbows for instance
they need hard water. and they go for a good price too so I raise them

| Message 4  

Subject: Re: Fwd. Floating bed query
From:    fishmanbruce 'at' (Bruce Schreiber)
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 10:50:01 -0500 (CDT)

Jim Floating beds are called surface hydroponics in the trade and were
first used by the Aztecs so you know they work !   For a modern version
if you have a body of water get a sheet of thick Styrofoam and cut holes
in it for the plant pots. Float it all on the water and harvest when
ripe its drought proof.
  In the US this is used in raceways in green houses but its great  for
rivers,  ponds and lakes. 
Unless you have gaters in your water then the beds need to be stronger
they will break up if the big lizards climb up on to them   
   But some big fish can be caught from under the rafts shaded waters

| Message 5  

Subject: Marketing Tips
.Random Thoughts
From:    "TGTX" 
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 13:08:33 -0500

Last night the wife and I went to see the Yunnan Song and Dance Ensemble
"Traveling Shows in the United States" in Austin.  Afterwards, of course, we
had to dine at Lim  Ting Restaurant to complete the evening.  Offered the
tilapia entree, which the waiter told me was live in the tank, I was also
offered a chance to view my potential dinner in the tank next to the
refrigerator at the back of the restaurant.  There were 3 or 4 or perhaps a
dozen tilapia there, several were "Reds" (mostly mossambica, genetically)
and some were the "blue-ish" nilotica.

But folks, I gotta tell you, the tank water looked like they had repeatedly
dumped egg drop soup in it.  Just as I had contemplated, earlier in the
evening, as I was applauding the youth and talent of the artists, to somehow
sneak back stage and offer safe haven and harbor to any of the artists in
the performance troupe that might have wanted to defect to freedom, I also
thought of liberating these fish from their polluted tank
.and not because
I am a recent PETA convert, but because of the marketing effect this kind of
display can have on the public Zeitgeist
Especially, I thought, for those who are not familiar with farm raised fish,
and the fact that the best of real-world fish culture water is not the same
appearance as drinking water

. the extremely murky water with lots of
floating debris

.and the whole visual imagery of Lim Tings' fish tanks,
bless their hearts, was not very appealling, as you can imagine.  I was able
to view them by myself, and return to my table, so, thankfully I did not
offend the waiter by my initial reaction.  I would have ordered some and
probably had a fine meal

I was not worried about the safety of eating
these fish

.and, these were not small fish

about 1.5 lbs I would

but I decided to simply opt for the soft shell crab entree instead,
which was mighty fine, by the way.  So, this is not a critique of LimTing's
cuisine or style

.Our meal was GREAT.
Just a tip and a random thought

.If you have a live fish market

might do well to help the restauranteur that you sell live tilapia to

aiding with the technology of the recirculation aquarium system and
providing them with culture instructions

.the fish really shouldn't be
eating anything in the tank if there is a relatively fast turn-around at the
restaurant.  A good 24 to 48 hour purge before delivery, and a day or so in
the restaurant without feed, or with very, very little feed, each day,
should be sufficient.

By contrast, I have been to another Oriental restaurant in Austin, the name
of which escapes me right now, that had a similar number of tilapia in a
similar sized tank, right in the middle of the entry way, and the tank water
was clear and the fish and visuals were appealing.

Just a thought or 2.


| Message 6  

Subject: Marketing Tips?
From:    cmccarth 'at'
Date:    Sun, 21 May 1989 17:32:16 -0400

Hi everyone,
        Ted's story about the not so nice looking tank of fish at the restaurant
reminded me that I had a question to ask the list.
        Recently several recommendations have been made for sources of good
cultural information.  The point has been stressed by other list members to
know were you are going to sell a crop before you even plant/receive fry.
        My question does anyone have any good sources of information on marketing
products or business start-up help that they would be willing to share? 

Thanks for any leads in advance.

| Message 7  

Subject: Re: Tilapia growth
From:    "STEVE SPRING" 
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 22:10:05 -0500

Hi Paula, et. al.,

Not to worry. You have heard the last of me complaining about the trials,
tribulations, taste, etc. of Tilapia. THEY'RE ALL DEAD!!

Remember me telling you about the filtration system that I was setting up.
Well, somehow during the night, the hose came loose and pumped out ALL of
the water from my tank. When I checked on them, the fish, the next day,
there was nothing but fish in the tank
.no water
.just fish. I finished
killing them by adding well water (all that I had available)  'at'  53F temp. I
lost apprx. 600 fish. That just about finishes my love affair with Tilapia.

Not a good experience. Spent 18 months breeding and raising fish that are
supposed to be 1 - 1 1/2# in 12 months and not even have one that is over
3/4 lb in over a year and a half. AND those that are there taste

(you get the picture).

So much for Mike Sipe's claim for the Super Fish.

I'm kind of bummed. Going to go. Best to All.


----- Original Message -----
From: "S & S Aqua Farm" 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Tilapia growth

At 11:34 PM 05/17/2001 -0500, Steve wrote:

>I've just come back from "in the back" and did another major water dump. I
>built another filter (actually a Bruce Schreiber design)
.a bedsheet
>between 2 2x4's and a pump discharging into them

not to mention the
>"butterfly" net that I have set up to catch the little turds
.fecal matter
>as it was eloquently put.
>GOD,  I'm about to run out of patience with these damned Tilapia
>the nastiest fish I have ever seen.
>I'm still looking forward to getting those in the cages out of the pond in
>couple of weeks. That will be the deciding factor in my Tilapia farming.

Steve - do you have current pictures of your set-up anywhere?  If not, could
you briefly describe how you have things set-up at this point?

Just doesn't seem that you should be having so much trouble raising tilapia
that taste good.

S&S Aqua Farm, 8386 County Road 8820, West Plains, MO 65775  417-256-5124
Web page

| Message 8  

Subject: Re: Marketing Tips
.Random Thoughts
From:    marc 'at'
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 21:44:45 -0600

As an ultra right winger you are expected to suck it up and
actually embrace the sight of a fish living in a polluted
environment. You MUST sell capitalistic pollution and oil
spills by a cheerful example with shining teeth smiling
through the black paste of crude oil on your face as you
slip and slide attempting to frolic on the beaches in
Alaska. You may be disciplined by the Network if this
happens again


TGTX wrote:

>  I also
thought of liberating these fish from their polluted
.and not because
I am a recent PETA convert, but because of the marketing
effect this kind of
display can have on the public Zeitgeist

| Message 9  

Subject: Re: Tilapia growth
From:    marc 'at'
Date:    Sun, 20 May 2001 22:23:00 -0600

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. 600 fish is a lot to lose.

You mentioned in earlier posts you were considering catfish
or perch. This could be an opportunity in spite of the

Have you considered raising Clarias batrachus or Anabas
testudineus? I'm not sure if they are legal but it wouldn't
hurt to look into them as they seem to have some
compatibility to your husbandry preferences.


> Hi Paula, et. al.,

.nothing but fish in the tank
.no water
.just fish. I finished
> killing them by adding well water (all that I had available)  'at'  53F temp.

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